Campsite with aquatic area in Vendée
Today, for the tourism specialists, the Vendée is a true reference in terms of the quality of these infrastructures; Its huge rental park hosts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year who come to discover the splendours of this territory.
While it has become one of the most touristic departments of France, La Vendée, knew very early to stand out to attract more and more visitors; She understood that to compete with the southern regions of France, she had to invest and tend to develop these host structures to offer these hosts the “best”. Thus, in many campsites in the Vendée, there have been blooming great aquatic spaces, real paradises for children.
It is clear that these investments, all these efforts have contributed greatly to the success of this department today. Let us take just one example, that of the Domaine de l’Orée. This campsite with a magnificent aquatic area, probably one of the most beautiful in the Vendée, displays complete every summer which testifies to its good health. So yes, it is a winning bet that has tried the Vendée. And if at the Domaine de l’Orée you will find multiple slides, a river with a unique buoy, a playful paddling pool and several swimming pools that obviously make the children happy, you will also find activities or animations that enchant The smallest as well as the largest.
To visit this campsite with aquatic space in Vendée, you can visit its website For more information, do not hesitate to contact them by telephone on 02 51 33 10 59.